Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Have van, too dang cold and wet to go anywhere…..

Hey, Bill here.

Celebrated my birthday on the 7th of this month and got a special present delivered to my door……Yuss, got my van! Only one problem, I haven’t dang well been anywhere on it because the weather has been absolute crap……TYPICAL! Actually that’s not strictly true, my birthday fell on a Tuesday, and it cleared up the following Friday afternoon for a couple of hours. So, Erin got home from work, got me up out of bed, put some warm clothes on me and said “its now or never mate” lets go!

She locked and loaded me, LOL onto the van, and we took off around to our sons flat, rang the doorbell and surprised him with Me (and the van of course), It was still really cold so I didn’t get out of the van, just sitting in it enjoying being away from the house in comfort. We were there for a half our or so and then we drove around to the ocean beach while it was still light, we parked up and just sat there enjoying watching the surf. Didn’t say much just sat there until it got dark and then we came home. I really enjoyed that drive, only one downside to that trip, Erin forgot her purse, and I wanted an ice-cream, got the huffs because I couldn’t have one….hehehehe, nah just joking, was just happy to be somewhere other than home for a change.

Since then we’ve had nothing but rain that was 2 weeks ago, hopefully the weather will change for the better sometime soon, but the forecast isn’t looking too promising for this week anyway. Still at least I know when the weather clears I’m outta here, don’t know where I’m going but believe me I will be going…..LOL.

As far as my general health is concerned I’m feeling pretty good really, just the cold gets me. Fingers crossed things will remain this way for a while. Erin and kids are all well, had my mum down last weekend for her sisters 80th birthday. Its always good to see her, especially when she brings me presents and food, hehehehe.

That’s about it folks, same ol dull routine for the most part, but with a bit of luck that will change shortly.

Laterz, Bill

Oh, before I go, I promise to take some photos when I do manage to get out, and post them on here.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Erin Here!

Several weeks ago, we lost our friend Rick in Canada who we have talked about quite often in our previous blogs. He left our world as he lived, humbly and graciously. When we started this blog it was mainly to keep Bills family and friends informed about Bill. There are any number of stories both funny and not so funny that we could share but Bill has always been a very private person and we only ever post what he is comfortable posting. So for the most part we tell some of the story and not all of it.

Rick and Joan on the other hand without fail always told “the whole story” warts and all. I would think to myself as I read their blog, holy heck all the while admiring their courage. When Rick passed away I actually contemplated not telling Bill straight away because I wasn’t certain how he would react. (For the record though, I did tell him straight away). Having never met Rick I couldn’t say with any certainty but reading his blog I really think he and Bill shared the same quirky sense of humour. They for sure shared a shit of a disease but they both also shared a really really positive outlook for themselves.

Rick! Soar free with the Angels our friend.

No more are you confined by disease in a motionless shell

You’ve been released from your earthbound hell

Soar free with the Angels our friend

Watch over Joan as she watched over you

For her, a new journey ensues

Bless her with love and strength to mend

Soar free with the Angels our friend.

In memory of Rick, a hell of a guy.

Dedicated to Joan a hell of a gal.