Hey, just a quick note to let you all know Bill is well. We still haven’t been anywhere on the van. Had some really awesome weather the last couple of days, but while the kids were on school holidays, we took advantage of the time to get out and around the house, lawns, gardens and all those mundane things that have been sorely neglected just lately. Then the rain came back, so Bill decided to stay in bed.…….but he’s feeling good because he was able to potter around in the garage a little bit. Amazing how you take those little things for granted. He can’t hold a yard broom or a rake anymore, but did a fine job of supervising, and for once got no arguments from the kids. All things considered, he’s doing really well and remains as positive as ever.
If you haven’t checked out the new-look MND site lately go check it out, they now have an interactive forum for caregivers/people with MND etc etc. Its looking pretty good follow the link on the right hand side of my page and go have a nosey. I’ve made a new friend in the forum already with one of its members who lives in Thames, he is the main caregiver for his wife and we spent a bit of time this afternoon talking about Bill and Jude (his wife) and generally just comparing notes. Anyway, I look forward to keeping in contact with him now and hopefully will get to know a few more people as time goes by. While its awesome to have friends and family to help out there is nothing like talking to people who are walking in the same shoes, being able to help each other out if required or just offering a knowing shoulder of support.
Speaking of friends, have been in regular contact with Joan in Canada since her darling Rick passed away. She’s finding it really rough going as I’m sure we all would coping with the reality of life after the loss of a loved one. She’s a pillar of strength Joan is and while she struggles daily at the moment, some day when she’s ready she will be able to embrace what ever lies ahead for her.
That’s about it for now, will check in again soon.