Friday, June 20, 2008

A week to forget!

This has been the week from hell!

They told me, to avoid contact with people with colds, but thats pretty difficult when you have kids "c'mon you gotta get real" I'm thinking to myself!

Now I know what they were talking about. Erin and I sat our kids down ages ago and explained to them why they needed to "stay away" from me if they got a cold and/or flu and all those good things.....At the time of that conversation neither of us fully understood really what it would mean if I got a cold. Now we know.

Because my stomach muscles are pretty non-existent now I can't cough! I'm going through the motions but I can't cough everything I need to up/out if you know what I mean. Its the worst feeling to be all "clogged up". I can't keep any food down, and thats making things worse. As a result I'm getting very little is working overtime but seems to ease things a little when I'm in bed. I've been feeling like crap basically.

Erin has tried everything to make me more comfortable, keeping warm is an issue right now, I can't seem to stay warm. Hot water bottles where I ache help heaps, but lack of real food is making me weak so I'm on my wheelchair most of the day at the moment.

Not liking this feeling one little bit. Only thing thats keeping me going is that I'm feeling better today than I was yesterday, and better yesterday than the day before so something is improving, just need to stay focused on things day by day.

Will check in once I'm feeling better. Hopefully that will be sooner rather than later.


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